One Step Forward
I spent an hour at the Apple Store today learning how to make some necessary changes to I started this web site in December, 2006 without having a clue what I was doing. I’d just said I was going to create it, and, having said that, I had to make it happen. Unfortunately, my lack of technological know-how sometimes gets in the way of my good intentions. As I create new pages, scan new letters & photos, learn more about the history of Pettis County and about web sites, the format changes to accommodate each new step. Every change takes time.
I’ve learned that some of the things I want to do are not possible at the moment. Some will require added software or additional sites. One step forward, two steps back.
Today, the “email me” button returned. If you have questions or comments, you’re invited to email me directly. In addition to the “email me” button,
  Sunday, July 22, 2007