Crawling Through Cemeteries
My trip to Missouri was all too short and a little disappointing. This was my first attempt at doing research in unknown cemeteries. There were many glitches - not the least of which is that when I went to the Durrill Cemetery to photograph the graves of my great-great-grandparents, it wasn’t there. The owner of the land on which the cemetery had been for 100-odd years decided to bulldoze the graves and plant them in corn.
Three gravestones still exist - the above is one of them. The two that are legible are not in the existing census of the graves.
The loss of the cemetery is huge to many of us who have reason to care.
I’ve turned up a couple more photographs of the Flat Creek covered bridge which will be posted soon. These photographs are in color. Spent some time visiting with relatives at the New Bethel Cemetery. Those photos will be posted over time. It’s a little different, viewing the cemetery as a historian and genealogist, as opposed to just a family member.
Liberty Park is as it always was. The little train seems to be up and running again. That was a pleasant surprise.
What used to be the downtown area of Sedalia has seen better days. The venerable Flat Creek Inn has been turned into a garish pink monstrosity: Millie’s Pink Mall.
I met some pleasant and interesting people along the way, some of whom were extremely helpful. Many thanks for the random acts of kindness!
News from
Friday, October 5, 2007