Irena A. Brown
Titus County, Texas - September 16, 1870                                                                                                    September the    1870

Titus County, Texas
Mrs. Mary F. Elliott

                                        Dear Cousin I received your letter in due time and perused it with much pleasure and would have answered it sooner had it not have been chilling. These lines leaves us all tolerably well at present. Though I was quite sick last week. I had remittant fever. Serepta and Ben are both chilling. There are a great many cases of chills and fever in this neighborhood and surrounding county at this time, the first sickness we have had in this portion of the county for over twelve months. William was quite sick about two weeks ago. He was confined to his bed four or five days. He is in very good health now and looks about as well as ever. He is going to start to Jefferson tomorrow or next day. He is going to take his mare down there to try to sell her. He says to tell you he was joking about that new sister but is going to buy that pony for his sweetheart as soon as he gets back from Jefferson. Father and other are tolerably well and all of the rest of the connections as far as I know. Times are tolerably dull here just now nothing interesting or exciting going on with the exception of a wedding now and then. We had a wedding last night in half a mile of us. They rather played off on us though, it was quite unexpected. We have quite a revival of religion in this portion of the county recently. We had a protracted meeting here in a mile and a half of us. It lasted eight days. There were a great many converted and about 15 or 20 receptions to the church. Willilam said he had never heard such squalling and such noise. He is not used to such loud mouthed Methodists. Cousin Mary you say that you do not expect that we will ever see any more of the Marshall family in Texas. I am very sorry to have you say so. We would be very glad to see you all. We would be very much pleased to have some of you live  near us though it is quite true that this county does not offer many inducements yet to cause anyone to move from such as country as that to this. There is not so many improvements here as there but in the course of eight or ten years there will be...

...enough for home consumption and some to spare. We received a letter from Agustus about half an hour ago. He speaks of moving out to Texas this fall. We were very much pleased to heare from him ad hope that he will not get out of the notion of moving out here. Cousin Mary please write just as soon as you receive this. Give my love to all of my relatives there. Father, Mother, Serepta and Ben all joins me in love to you all and your husband and wishes you to tender their kindest regards to all of the connection. 
                                        So no more but remains
                                        Your ever loving cousin    Irena A. Brown

P.S. William did not start to Jefferson yesterday. He will not go before the last of the week. He sends his love to you and says he will write to you.            Irena

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